Best Tosca Training Institute in Hyderabad - Get Full Course Details

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Tosca Automation Mrs.Hema latha Test Lead 03th July 2024 07:30 PM IST Online 45 days
Tosca Automation Mrs.Anusha Test Lead 04th July 2024 10:30 AM IST Online 45 days

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Best Tosca Training Institute in Hyderabad

Welcome to Next IT Career, your Best Tosca training institute in Hyderabad! We take pride in providing the Best Tosca Training Institute in Hyderabad, coupled with a guaranteed placement program. Our institute boasts professional instructors with over a decade of hands-on experience in Tosca, ensuring an unparalleled learning experience. With us, you gain permanent online access to daily class recordings, allowing you to revisit and reinforce your learning at your convenience.

At Next IT Career, we’re committed to offering comprehensive Tosca training that not only educates but empowers you with practical skills, preparing you for a successful career in this dynamic field. Join us and embark on a journey towards expertise in Tosca, backed by our unwavering support and placement assurance.

Key Highlights of

Best Tosca Training Institute in Hyderabad

  1. Personalized Training: Benefit from over 20 hours of personalized live training in Tosca, elevating your software testing skills through an intuitive learning process tailored to your needs.
  2. Proven Placement Record: Join our institute and be part of the students trained in Tosca. Witness successful placements in roles such as Tosca automation testers and engineers, affirming our commitment to your career advancement.
  3. Expert Guidance: Learn Tosca hands-on from industry experts boasting over 12+ years of professional experience, gaining insights and practical knowledge that extend beyond theoretical learning.
  4. Practical Application: Engage in hands-on exercises by testing both Manual and Automated test cases as an integral part of our comprehensive training program, ensuring practical proficiency.
  5. Script Reusability: Master the art of creating reusable test scripts using Tosca’s Test case libraries, a skill crucial for efficient and effective software testing processes.
  6. Comprehensive Learning: Develop a thorough understanding and mastery of Integrated Test Management and API, empowering you with comprehensive knowledge crucial in the field.
  7. Expert Guidance in Testing: Gain expertise in Functional and Regression testing, Graphical User Interface testing, and Application Programming Interface under the mentorship of industry experts.
  8. Flexible Training Hours: Access our live training sessions conveniently scheduled during weekdays, offering flexibility to accommodate diverse schedules.
  9. Affordable Training: Benefit from affordable Tosca Training in Hyderabad, complemented by career counseling from seasoned industry professionals, guiding you towards a successful career path.
  10. Resource Access: Receive regular updates, Tosca training videos, and access to premium training materials delivered directly to your inbox for online batches, ensuring continuous learning and support.
  11. Comprehensive Support: Avail premium access to Tosca training materials, Tosca interview question dumps, and a Learning Management System (LMS) designed to facilitate a holistic learning experience.

Join us to explore and excel in Tosca, leveraging our comprehensive Best Tosca Training Institute in Hyderabad and unwavering support towards your career growth.

What is Tosca?

Tosca, short for Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications, is a powerful tool crafted by TRICENTIS Technology & Consulting GmbH, an Austrian company. It’s a cloud-based automation solution designed to simplify and streamline various types of testing – be it unit, integration, functional, or performance testing – without needing to write code.

This tool isn’t just about automating tests; it’s a comprehensive package. It includes integrated test management, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Application Programming Interface (API), and Command Line Interface (CLI) functionalities.

How does it work?

Tosca operates on a model-based architecture, allowing you to optimize test coverage and efficiently manage test data. This architecture integrates capabilities for designing, generating, and provisioning test data, ensuring thorough testing without data-related hindrances, Best Tosca Training Institute in Hyderabad.

One unique aspect is its risk-based test design. Tosca assesses an application’s requirements and uses a risk-based approach to suggest the most effective test cases. It evaluates each test case’s contribution to risk, enabling a smarter testing strategy.

Tosca, built using VB6, C#, and Java, serves as a 3rd generation model, functioning on the concept of model-based architecture. Its primary aim is to automate end-to-end testing for software applications, simplifying the testing process and enhancing efficiency.

In essence, Tosca isn’t just a testing tool; it’s a comprehensive solution utilizing advanced architecture to automate and optimize software testing, ensuring robust and efficient application performance.

What is Tosca Used For?

Tricentis Tosca is a software testing tool that revolutionizes how end-to-end testing, including functional and regression testing, is automated for different software applications.

It’s widely recognized as a top choice, especially for large-scale applications due to its adaptability and efficiency. Tosca supports testing across a spectrum of over 150 applications, including Desktop, SAP, Web, Mobile, and Web

Tosca isn’t just a testing tool; it’s a holistic solution for testing and quality assurance. It integrates various testing aspects like automation, test case design, and test data design into a single platform.

Its user-friendly features make it invaluable for testers in the automotive, financial, education, and mining industries. One of its key strengths is enabling test automation without extensive programming knowledge or high maintenance requirements.

Tosca’s unique model-based approach allows for the automation of test cases, maintaining both manual and automated tests in a single repository. It harmonizes UI and non-GUI functions within test cases, eliminating the need for multiple tools to handle different elements.

With Tosca, creating codeless, robust automated tests is achievable. It separates technical details from the automation model, boosting automation rates up to 90%, cutting maintenance costs, and elevating overall productivity.

Another standout feature is its risk-based test optimization. By adopting a risk-focused testing approach, Tosca helps reduce the number of tests required for automation while simultaneously lowering the risk in software releases. Moreover, Tosca empowers business users to record their daily actions easily, transforming these actions into automated test cases, and reducing reliance on manual testing.

For mobile testing, Tosca enables quick development of tests, which can then be used as building blocks for end-to-end scenarios on iOS and Android devices, irrespective of whether they’re native apps, hybrid apps, or mobile websites. Join our and become a pro in Tosca.

services, making it versatile and comprehensive. 

About the Best Tosca Online Training in Hyderabad

Tricentis Tosca serves as a pivotal software testing tool, dedicated to automating end-to-end testing procedures for diverse software applications. As a cloud-based automation solution, Tosca facilitates the automation of various test types, be it unit, integration, functional, or performance testing. Its web-based nature empowers users to conduct automated regression testing efficiently. For those seeking the Best Tosca Training Institute in Hyderabad, Next IT Career stands out as the go-to destination. Our training program is meticulously designed to be highly effective and has a proven track record, thanks to our expert and experienced trainers.

At Next IT Career, our trainers not only impart comprehensive knowledge of Tosca but also provide access to the essential tools crucial for accelerating your career in this field. Moreover, we offer Tosca certification training that stands out as the most comprehensive and practical certification available in the market. This certification doesn’t just equip you with theoretical knowledge but ensures practical proficiency, setting you on a path toward success in the realm of Tosca and software testing

It is meant to help you obtain the required skills and competence to manage and execute real projects. Some of the things we cover in our Tosca class are 

  • Models and cases for testing
  • Iterations & Conditions
  • TDM
  • Techniques for recognizing objects, including Tosca Architecture, and more.
  • In addition to offering both online and in-person training, we also provide students with a completion certificate.

Who Uses Tosca?

Tosca has gained a reputation as an enterprise-grade tool widely employed across various large-scale industries and applications. Its user-friendly features have made it a preferred choice among testers in diverse industries, consistently delivering excellent results for its users.

As of 2022, more than 448 companies globally have adopted Tricentis Best Tosca Training Institute in Hyderabad as their go-to test automation tool. The largest user base resides in the United States, accounting for 41.16% of Tosca customers, with a total of 191 companies employing the tool for their testing needs.

Following the United States, other prominent countries utilizing Tricentis Tosca include Australia and Germany, each with 31 customers, making up 6.68% of the user base.  EMBLIX

Who Should Learn Tosca Automation?

Tosca’s versatility and widespread usage make it an essential skill for various professionals:

1.Software Testing Professionals:

 Individuals already engaged in software testing can enhance their capabilities by mastering Tosca’s automation features.

2.Automation Testing Professionals:

 Those specifically focused on automation testing can benefit significantly from learning and implementing Tosca within their testing procedures.

3.Web Developers and Software Programmers:

Tosca offers an added advantage for web developers and software programmers aiming to streamline and automate their testing processes.

4.Graduates Interested in Software Testing: 

Graduates seeking a career in software testing can gain a competitive edge by acquiring Tosca skills.

BE / BTech / MCA Graduates: Aspirants with engineering or MCA backgrounds can steer their careers toward Tosca automation testing for lucrative opportunities.

5.IT Professionals Transitioning to Tosca Testing:

 Individuals from diverse IT backgrounds looking to transition into Tosca automation testing can find it beneficial.

6.Non-IT Professionals Transitioning to IT:

 Those outside the IT sphere aspiring to establish themselves in the IT industry can explore Tosca as a valuable skillset. 

7.Career Restarters:

 Individuals taking a career break or looking to restart their careers can leverage Tosca as a stepping stone to re-enter the job market. 

8.Manual Testers Seeking Career Advancement:

 Manual testers aiming to advance their careers to the next level can broaden their horizons with Tosca’s expertise.

Tosca offers an extensive range of opportunities for professionals across diverse fields, enabling them to enhance their skill set and career prospects in the realm of software testing and automation.

Why Choose Next It Career for Tosca Training in Hyderabad?

Authorized and experienced Trainers

Our team comprises certified Tosca trainers with over 12+ years of experience in training both students and corporates. Their commitment is to provide top-notch training of the highest quality while ensuring cost-effectiveness.

Projects and Real-world Examples

Experience a unique live training course that encompasses the entire spectrum of Tosca, a widely used project management software. Our training involves practical application through live projects and case studies, employing a methodology focused on enhancing practical skills.

Comprehensive course curriculum

Benefit from an industry-focused Tosca course curriculum designed for lifelong learning. Our curriculum is meticulously crafted to equip you with the skills essential for running a successful Tosca-driven business.-

Assistance with Placement

We understand the significance of job placements and internships. Hence, we have a dedicated placement support team offering multiple mock interview rounds, professional resume preparation, and communication-building skills to assist you post-training.

Practical Learning

At Next It Career, we prioritize concept-based, hands-on training for a comprehensive understanding of Tosca. Our approach ensures thorough learning with practical execution under the attentive guidance of trainers, ensuring every student grasps the concepts effectively.

Group Discussions & Assignments

Engage in interactive group discussions during our live online sessions, fostering an environment for trainees to deliberate on course topics. This setting allows for questions, feedback, and personalized learning experiences, ensuring a collaborative and engaging learning journey.

By choosing us for your Best Tosca Training Institute in Hyderabad, you’re opting for a holistic learning experience guided by certified trainers, practical application through projects and case studies, an industry-oriented curriculum, robust placement support, pragmatic learning methods, and interactive group sessions aimed at enhancing your understanding and skills in Tosca.

Tosca Course Certification: Elevate Your Expertise

For those aspiring to excel as professional Tosca users, the Tosca Certification stands as a pinnacle, offering a high-level, comprehensive certification tailored to elevate your proficiency in the entire Tosca software suite. At Next It Career, we provide Tosca certification training that spans from foundational knowledge to advanced techniques, equipping you with the essential skills required to thrive in the realm of Tosca software usage.

Upon completion of our rigorous training program, all our trainees receive a Best Tosca Training Institute in Hyderabad course completion certificate issued by Next It Career. This certificate holds global accreditation and serves as a verified acknowledgment of your accomplishment in mastering Tosca through our specialized curriculum.

Our academy takes pride in a holistic educational approach. Beyond merely covering the subject matter, we focus on cultivating a deeper understanding and skill set that extends to practical applications and industry relevance. By enrolling in our comprehensive Tosca certification training, you gain access to an extensive array of certification levels: This structured certification program ensures that you acquire not only theoretical knowledge but also practical expertise, enabling you to navigate the complexities of Tosca software effectively.

Enroll today to leverage our training and unlock the potential to achieve diverse levels of Tosca certification, empowering yourself for a rewarding career in the realm of automation and software testing.

Skills Developed Through Tosca Training in Hyderabad:

1.DevOps Integration:

Gain proficiency in integrating Tosca within DevOps workflows, understanding how to seamlessly incorporate Tosca into DevOps practices for efficient software development and testing processes.

2.Functional Testing Expertise:

Develop a strong foundation in functional testing methodologies using Tosca, ensuring comprehensive testing coverage across various functionalities and features of software applications.

3.Hands-on CLI and GUI Implementation:

Acquire practical experience in Command Line Interface (CLI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI) implementation through hands-on training, enabling efficient execution of tasks and tests within the Tosca environment.

4.Test Management Competence:

Learn effective test management strategies utilizing Tosca, mastering techniques for organizing, executing, and analyzing test cases and results within the Tosca framework.

5.Understanding of Tosca Architecture:

Acquire in-depth knowledge about the architecture of Tosca, comprehending its underlying structure, components, and functionalities, which form the backbone of its capabilities.

6.Mastery of Tosca Tools:

Develop expertise in utilizing various tools and modules within the Tosca suite, becoming adept at harnessing its full potential for test automation, management, and analysis.

7.Proficiency in Test Design:

Enhance your skills in designing robust and effective test cases and scenarios using Tosca, ensuring optimal coverage and accuracy in the testing process.

8.API Automation Proficiency:

Learn and implement API automation techniques using Tosca, enabling seamless testing and validation of Application Programming Interfaces for enhanced software functionality.

9.Regression Testing Skills:

Acquire expertise in regression testing methodologies with Tosca, mastering the process of verifying software updates and modifications while ensuring the integrity of existing functionalities.;

Job Roles & Designations in Tosca Training:

1.Tosca Automation Test Engineer:

Responsible for implementing and executing automated tests using Tosca to ensure software quality and reliability.

2.Tosca with SAP Automation Specialist:

 Specializes in using Tosca for automated testing within SAP environments, ensuring efficient and effective testing procedures specific to SAP systems.

3.Tosca Automation Tester: 

Conducts automated testing activities using Tosca, focusing on functional, regression, and integration testing to validate software applications.

4.SAP Tosca Testing Specialist:

 Expert in utilizing Tosca specifically for testing SAP applications, ensuring comprehensive and accurate testing within SAP ecosystems.

5.Tosca Quality Engineer:

 Focuses on maintaining and improving software quality through Tosca-driven testing methodologies, ensuring adherence to quality standards.

6.Tosca Automation Lead:

 Leads and manages Tosca automation initiatives within projects, overseeing the design, implementation, and execution of automated tests.

7.Tosca Architect: 

Designs and implements the overall architecture for Tosca-based testing solutions, ensuring scalability, efficiency, and effectiveness.

8.Tosca Test Analyst: 

Analyzes test requirements, designs test cases, and executes tests using Tosca, ensuring thorough testing coverage and accurate results.

9.Tosca Test Suite Tester: 

Specializes in testing Tosca Test Suites, ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and functionality of test suite applications.

Pay scale for Tosca professionals

The pay scale for Tosca professionals varies based on factors like experience, skill sets, and certifications. These figures are approximate and can vary based on individual factors, company policies, specific roles, additional certifications, geographic location, and market demand. Here’s an approximate range:

Tosca Automation Test Engineer in India: Typically ranges between ₹4.4 Lakhs to ₹8.4 Lakhs annually, with an average of around ₹6.0 Lakhs.

TOSCA Automation Engineer in Hyderabad: The average salary is approximately ₹6, 53,000 per year.

Average Salary of Tosca Professionals: Nationally, the average annual salary for Tosca professionals hovers around ₹17.8 Lakhs.

Median Salary of Tosca Professionals: The median salary is around ₹15.0 Lakhs per year.

Highest Salary Offered for Tosca Professionals: Some experienced professionals command salaries as high as ₹45.0 Lakhs annually.

Senior Automation Engineer: Senior roles like Senior Automation Engineer can earn around ₹11 Lakhs per year.

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