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Dot Net full stack developer course in Hyderabad

Welcome to Next IT Career’s Dotnet full stack developer course in Hyderabad! Get ready to embark on an exciting journey that will transform you into a skilled professional, capable of handling both front-end and back-end technologies in the dynamic world of .NET development.

Dot net full stack developer course: Bridging Front-End and Back-End Technologies

Dot NET is a versatile, cross-source platform that serves as the foundation for various types of applications. It offers support for multiple languages, web services, and processes, making it a powerful choice for modern software development. With .NET, you can seamlessly integrate multiple languages, validate various application procedures, and pave the way for technological advancements that drive innovation in the tech industry.

One of the key advantages of .NET is its ability to cater to diverse mobile platforms. This means you can easily experiment with new requirements and stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments. .NET developers play a pivotal role in shaping the software landscape and driving innovation in our rapidly evolving digital world Dotnet full stack developer training in Ameerpet.

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Full stack dot net developer course: Objectives

Our Dot net full stack developer course in Hyderabad designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the world of Dot NET development. Before enrolling in this unique course, let’s take a closer look at the core objectives:

  1. Front-End and Back-End Proficiency: This course will empower you to handle both front-end and back-end technologies. You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the entire development stack, enabling you to build complete, end-to-end solutions.
  2. Application and Animation Creation: You’ll learn how to create dynamic and interactive applications and animations. These skills are essential for developing engaging and user-friendly software solutions.
  3. Career-Oriented Approach: We focus on making you career-ready, ensuring that you’re well-prepared to meet the demands of the job market. With the knowledge and practical experience gained in this course, you’ll have the flexibility to pursue various career opportunities in the .NET ecosystem.
  4. Career-Driven Program: Our training program is tailored to provide you with the skills and expertise that align with the most in-demand job roles and career paths in the .NET development field.
  5. Streamlined Architecture: Understanding the architecture of .NET is crucial for building efficient and scalable applications. You’ll gain insights into best practices and industry standards, enabling you to reduce complexity and design elegant solutions.

After completing our .NET Full Stack Developer Course, your career growth prospects are indeed promising. Our Full Stack Developer course equips you to master current tech trends, integrate with the Linux framework for broader development opportunities, adapt to new programming languages in the evolving tech landscape, employ an outcome-driven approach to navigate industry changes and maintain a diverse focus on various technologies for readiness in the ever-evolving tech industry.

Upon course completion, you’ll appreciate the widespread popularity of .NET development for several compelling reasons: first, its adaptability to open source technologies, enabling contributions to various projects; second, the simplicity of the C# language tailored for efficient and maintainable code; third, the industry credibility and career opportunities that come with Microsoft’s .NET technologies; fourth, the support for multiple programming languages, enhancing your adaptability and expertise; and finally, the solid foundation in software architecture, a highly sought-after skill in the professional realm.

Our Dot NET Full Stack training in Ameerpet not only equips you with the technical skills but also prepares you for the ever-evolving technology industry. You’ll be in a position to adapt to new technologies, take advantage of open source opportunities, and contribute to the tech world’s ongoing evolution. The career opportunities are vast, and your proficiency in .NET development will open doors to high-profile and rewarding positions in the industry. Start your journey with us and embrace the limitless possibilities of a career as a .NET Full Stack Developer.

Dotnet full stack developer course

 1. What is the .NET Framework?

2. Common Language Runtime

3. .NET Framework Class Library

4. Assemblies and the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)

5. Versions of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio

 1. Visual Studio Overview

a. Choosing the Development Settings

b. Resetting the Development Settings

c. Creating a New Project

d. Components of the IDE

2. Code and Text Editor

a. Code Snippets

b. IntelliSense

c. Refactoring Support

3. Debugging 

a. Setting Breakpoints

b. Stepping through the Code

c. Watching

d. Autos and Immediate Windows



 1. Using the C# Compiler (csc.exe)

2. Passing Arguments to Main()

3. Language Syntax

a. Keywords

b. Variables

c. Scope of Variables

d. Constants

e. Comments

4. Data Types

a. Value Types

b. Reference Types

c. Enumerations

d. Implicit Typing

e. Type Conversion

5. Operators

a. Arithmetic Operators

b. Logical Operators

c. Relational Operators

d. Increment & Decrement Operators

e. Bit Shift Operators

f. Assignment Operators

g. The is and as Operators

h. Other Operators

i. Operator Precedence

6. Flow Control

a. if-else Statement

b. switch Statement

7. Looping

a. for Loop

b. foreach

c. while and do-while Loops

d. Exiting from a Loop

e. Skipping an Iteration

8. Structs

a. What Are Structs?

b. Structs Are Value Types

c. Assigning to a Struct

 1. Single Dimensional Arrays

2. Accessing Array Elements

 1. The System.String Class

a. Escape Characters

b. String Manipulations

c. String Formatting

d. The StringBuilder Class


 1. Classes

a. Defining a Class

b. Creating an Instance of a Class (Object Instantiation)

c. Class Members

d. Access Modifiers

e. Function Members

f. Overloading Methods

g. Overloading Operators

h. Using Partial Classes

i. Static Classes

2. System.Object Class

a. Implementing Equals

b. ToString() Method

c. Attributes

3. Inheritance

a. Understanding Inheritance

b. Implementation Inheritance

c. Inheritance and Constructors

d. Calling Base Class Constructors

e. Virtual Methods (Polymorphism)

f. Sealed Classes and Methods

g. Abstract Class

h. Abstract Methods

4. Interfaces

a. Defining an Interface

b. Implementing an Interface

c. Implementing Multiple Interfaces

d. Interface Inheritance

e. Overriding Interface Implementations

 1. Dynamic Arrays Using the ArrayList Class

2. Stacks

3. Queues

4. Dictionary

 1. Delegates

a. Creating a Delegate

b. Delegates Chaining (Multicast Delegates)

c. Implementing Callbacks Using Delegates

d. Asynchronous Callbacks

2. Events

a. Handling Events

b. Implementing Events

c. Difference between Events and Delegates

d. Passing State Information to an Event Handler

 1. Understanding Generics

2. Generic Classes

3. Using the default Keyword in Generics

4. Advantages of Generics

5. Using Constraints in a Generic Type

6. Generic Interfaces

7. Generic Methods

 1. Handling Exceptions

a. Handling Exceptions Using the try-catch Statement

b. Handling Multiple Exceptions

c.Throwing Exceptions Using the throw Statement

d. Using Exception Objects

e. The finally Statement

2. Creating Custom Exceptions

 1. Assemblies

2. Structure of an Assembly

3. Examining the Content of an Assembly

4. Single and Multi-File Assemblies

5. Understanding Namespaces and Assemblies

6. Private versus Shared Assemblies

7. Creating a Shared Assembly

8. The Global Assembly Cache

9. Putting the Shared Assembly into GAC

10. Making the Shared Assembly Visible in Visual Studio

11. Using the Shared Assembly

 1. ADO .NET Introduction

a. ADO vs. ADO .NET

b. ADO .NET Architecture

2. Connecting to Data Sources

a. Choosing a .Net Data Provider

b. Defining a Connection

c. Managing a Connection

d. Handling Connection Exceptions

e. Connection Pooling

3. Performing Connected Database Operations

a. Working in a Connected Environment

b. Building Command Objects

c. Executing the Commands

d. Data Reader Object

4. Using Transactions

5. Perfoming Dis-Connected Database Operations

a. Configuring a DataAdapter to Retrieve Information

b. Populating a DataSet Using a DataAdapter

c. Modifying Data in a DataTable

d. Persisting Changes to a Data Source

e. Working in a Disconnected Environment

f. Building Datasets and DataTables

g. Binding and Saving a Dataset

h. Defining Data Relationships

1. Introduction to HTML

2. HTML – Elements

3. HTML – Tags

4. HTML – Text

5. HTML – Formatting

6. HTML – Attributes

7. HTML – Font

8. HTML – Text Links

9. HTML – Comments

10. HTML – List

11. HTML – Images

12. HTML – Image Links

13. HTML – Tables

14. HTML – Forms

15. HTML – Inputs

16. HTML – Text Fields

17. HTML – Password

18. HTML – Reset

19. HTML – Submit

20. HTML – Radio

21. HTML – Checkbox

22. HTML – Select

23. HTML – Text Area

24. HTML – Upload

25. Semantic Elements

 1. ASP.NET Introduction

a. The Evolution of Web Development

b. HTML and HTML Forms

c. Server-Side Programming

d. Client-Side Programming

e. Facts about ASP .NET

f. ASP .NET different versions

2. Developing ASP.NET Applications

a. Creating Websites

i. Creating a New Web Application

ii. Websites and Web Projects

iii.The Hidden Solution Files

iv.The Solution Explorer

v. Adding Web Forms

vi. Migrating a Website from a Previous Version of Visual Studio

3. Designing a Web Page

a. Adding Web Controls

b. The Properties Window

4. The Anatomy of a Web Form

a. The Web Form Markup

b. The Page Directive

c. The Doctype

5. Writing Code

a. The Code-Behind Class

b. Adding Event Handlers

c. IntelliSense and Outlining

6. Visual Studio Debugging

a. The Visual Studio Web Server

b. Single-Step Debugging

c. Variable Watches

 1. The Problem of State

2. View State

a. The ViewState Collection

b. A View State Example

c. Making View State Secure

d. Retaining Member Variables

e. Storing Custom Objects

3. Transferring Information between Pages

a. Cross-Page Posting

b. The Query String

4. Cookies

a. A Cookie Example

5. Session State

a. Session Tracking

b. Using Session State

c. A Session State Example

6. Session State Configuration

a. Cookieless

b. Timeout

c. Mode

7. Application State

8. An Overview of State Management Choices

 1. Brief history of Web Application Development

2. What is wrong with ASP.Net Web Forms

3. Web Development Today

4. Key Benefits of ASP.NET MVC

5. Who should use ASP.NET MVC?

 1. Introduction to HTML5

2. HTML5 new elements

3. Canvas

 1. ASP.NET MVC project templates

2. Understanding the structure of an ASP.NET MVC project

3. Naming conventions

4. Creating views

5. Defining controllers

6. Defining a data model

 1.Creating strongly-typed views

2.Understanding URLs and action methods

3.Using HTML helpers

4.Handling form post-backs

5.Data validation

 1. Razor design goals

2. Implementing a Razor view

3. Razor syntax

4. Accessing model data in Razor views

5. Working with Layouts

6. Using Razor Expressions

 1.Introducing URL Patterns

2.Creating and Registering a Simple Route

3.Defining Default Values and using Static URL Segments

4.Constraining Routes

5.Bypassing the Routing System

 1. Introducing the Controller

2. Receiving Input

3. Producing Output

 1. Using Filters

2. Authorize Filters

3. Exception Filters

4. Action Filters

5. Result Filters

6. Using Built In Filters

 1. Defining a layout/master page

2. Creating Custom View Engine

3. Defining and using partial views, Sections

4. Razor helper method syntax

 1. Using Built In Form Helper Methods

2. Creating Custom Helper Methods

3. Creating and using Templated Helper Methods

4. Using Model Metadata

 1. Using hidden fields

2. Session and application state

3. Custom model bindings

 1. View scaffold templates

2. Model Validation

3. Global filters

4. Model binding

5. Bundling and Display Modes

 1. Overview of the ASP.NET Web API

2. Building servers and clients

3. Content negotiation

4. Validation

5. Queryable interfaces

6. Dependency Injection

7. Session Management

8. Securing a Web API

 1. Attribute Routing

2. Authentication Filters

3. Filter Overrides

4. One ASP.NET

5. ASP.NET Identity Authentication Management

 1. Basic Types

2. Variable Declarations

3. Classes

4. Functions

5. Interfaces

6. Generics

7. Enums

8. Type Inference

9. Namespaces

10. Modules

11. Mixins

12. Iterators and Generators

13. TypeScript 2.X Features

 1. Introduction to Angular 6

2. Angular 6 Architecture

3. Setup installation

4. Building Blocks of Angular6 Application

5. Modules

6. Components

7. Templates


9. Directives

10. Dependency Injection

11. Services

12. Validation of Angular For

13. Single Page Application and Routing

14. Asynchronous Calls

15. Pipes

16. Security

17. Deployment and Project Configurations

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