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.NET Framework

  1. What is the .NET Framework?
  2. Common Language Runtime
  3. NET Framework Class Library
  4. Assemblies and the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)
  5. Versions of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio

Getting Started with Visual Studio

1. Visual Studio OvervieW

  • Choosing the Development Settings
  • Resetting the Development Settings
  • Creating a New Project
  • Components of the IDE

2. Code and Text Editor 

  • Code Snippets
  • IntelliSense
  • Refactoring Support  

3. Debugging 

  • Setting Breakpoints
  • Stepping through the Code
  • Watching
  • . Autos and Immediate Windows

C# Language Foundations

1. Using the C# Compiler (csc.exe)
2. Passing Arguments to Main()
3. Language Syntax   
  • Keywords
  • Variables
  • Scope of Variables
  • Constants
  • Comments       
    4. Data Types
  •  Value Types
  • Reference Types 
  • Enumerations
  • Implicit Typing
  • Type Conversion 
5. Operators 
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Increment & Decrement Operators
  • Bit Shift Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • The is and as Operators
  •  Other Operators
  • Operator Precedence 
6. Flow Control  
  • if-else Statement 
  • switch Statement     
7. Looping  
  • for Loop
  • foreach
  • while and do-while Loops
  • Exiting from a Loop
  •  Skipping an Iteration 
8. Structs   
  • What Are Structs?
  • Structs Are Value Types
  • Assigning to a Struct

Collections Interfaces

  • Dynamic Arrays Using the ArrayList Class
  •  Stacks
  • Queues 
  • Dictionary


  • Single Dimensional Arrays
  • Accessing Array Elements


  • The System.String Class
  • Escape Characters
  • String Manipulations
  • String Formatting 
  • The StringBuilder Class  


OOPs Concepts

1. Classes 
  • Defining a Class 
  • Creating an Instance of a Class (Object Instantiation)
  • Class Members
  •  Access Modifiers
  • Function Members
  • Overloading Methods
  • Overloading Operators
  • Using Partial Classes
  • Static Classes 
2. System.Object Class  
  • Implementing Equals
  • ToString() Method
  • Attributes 
3. Inheritance  
  • Understanding Inheritance 

  • Implementation Inheritance
  • Inheritance and Constructors 
  • Calling Base Class Constructors
  • Virtual Methods (Polymorphism) 
  • Sealed Classes and Methods
  • Abstract Class
  • Abstract Methods 
5. interfaces  
  • Defining an Interface
  • Implementing an Interface
  • implementing Multiple Interfaces
  • Interface Inheritance
  • Overriding Interface Implementations

.Delegates and Events

a. Creating a Delegate
b. Delegates Chaining (Multicast Delegates)
c. Implementing Callbacks Using Delegates
d. Asynchronous Callbacks
2. Events
a. Handling Events
b. Implementing Events
c. Difference between Events and Delegates
d. Passing State Information to an Event Handler


1. Understanding Generics
2. Generic Classes
3. Using the default Keyword in Generics
4. Advantages of Generics
5. Using Constraints in a Generic Type
6. Generic Interfaces
7. Generic Methods

Exception Handling

1. Handling Exceptions
a. Handling Exceptions Using the try-catch Statement
b. Handling Multiple Exceptions
c. Throwing Exceptions Using the throw Statement
d. Using Exception Objects
e. The finally Statement

Assemblies and Versioning

1. Assemblies
2. Structure of an Assembly
3. Examining the Content of an Assembly
4. Single and Multi-File Assemblies
5. Understanding Namespaces and Assemblies
6. Private versus Shared Assemblies
7. Creating a Shared Assembly
8. The Global Assembly Cache
9. Putting the Shared Assembly into GAC
10. Making the Shared Assembly Visible in Visual Studio
11. Using the Shared Assembly


1. ADO .NET Introduction
a. ADO vs. ADO .NET
b. ADO .NET Architecture
2. Connecting to Data Sources
a. Choosing a .Net Data Provider
b. Defining a Connection
c. Managing a Connection
d. Handling Connection Exceptions
e. Connection Pooling
3. Performing Connected Database Operations
a. Working in a Connected Environment
b. Building Command Objects
c. Executing the Commands
d. Data Reader Object
4. Using Transactions
5. Perfoming Dis-Connected Database Operations
a. Configuring a DataAdapter to Retrieve Information
b. Populating a DataSet Using a DataAdapter
c. Modifying Data in a DataTable
d. Persisting Changes to a Data Source
e. Working in a Disconnected Environment
f. Building Datasets and DataTables

g. Binding and Saving a Dataset
h. Defining Data Relationships
6. Reading and Writing XML with ADO.NET
a. Creating XSD Schemas
b. Loading Schemas and Data into DataSets
c. Writing XML from a DataSet


1. Introduction to HTML
2. HTML – Elements
3. HTML – Tags
4. HTML – Text
5. HTML – Formatting
6. HTML – Attributes
7. HTML – Font
8. HTML – Text Links
9. HTML – Comments
10. HTML – List
11. HTML – Images
12. HTML – Image Links
13. HTML – Tables
14. HTML – Forms
15. HTML – Inputs
16. HTML – Text Fields
17. HTML – Password
18. HTML – Reset
19. HTML – Submit
20. HTML – Radio
21. HTML – Checkbox
22. HTML – Select
23. HTML – Text Area

24. HTML – Upload
25. Semantic Elements

JavaScript DOM Validation



1. ASP.NET Introduction
a. The Evolution of Web Development
b. HTML and HTML Forms
c. Server-Side Programming
d. Client-Side Programming
e. Facts about ASP .NET
f. ASP .NET different versions
2. Developing ASP.NET Applications
a. Creating Websites
i. Creating a New Web Application
ii. Websites and Web Projects
iii. The Hidden Solution Files
iv. The Solution Explorer
v. Adding Web Forms
vi. Migrating a Website from a Previous Version of Visual Studio
3. Designing a Web Page
a. Adding Web Controls
b. The Properties Window

1.Introducing URL Patterns
2. Creating and Registering a Simple Route
3. Defining Default Values and using Static URL Segments
4. Constraining Routes
5. Bypassing the Routing System

Cascade Style Sheet

State Management

1. The Problem of State
2. View State
a. The ViewState Collection
b. A View State Example
c. Making View State Secure
d. Retaining Member Variables
e. Storing Custom Objects
3. Transferring Information between Pages
a. Cross-Page Posting
b. The Query String
4. Cookies
a. A Cookie Example
5. Session State
a. Session Tracking
b. Using Session State
c. A Session State Example
6. Session State Configuration
a. Cookieless
b. Timeout
c. Mode
7. Application State
8. An Overview of State Management Choices

Introduction to ASP.NET MVC

1. Brief history of Web Application Development
2. What is wrong with ASP.Net Web Forms
3. Web Development Today
4. Key Benefits of ASP.NET MVC
5. Who should use ASP.NET MVC?

Creating a Complete ASP.NET MVC Application

1. Creating strongly-typed views
2. Understanding URLs and action methods
3. Using HTML helpers
4. Handling form post-backs
5. Data validation


1. Introduction to HTML5
2. HTML5 new elements
3. Canvas

Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC

1. ASP.NET MVC project templates
2. Understanding the structure of an ASP.NET MVC project
3. Naming conventions
4. Creating views
5. Defining controllers
6. Defining a data model

Using the Razor View Engine

1. Razor design goals
2. Implementing a Razor view
3. Razor syntax
4. Accessing model data in Razor views
5. Working with Layouts
6. Using Razor Expressions

Controllers and Actions

1. Introducing the Controller
2. Receiving Input
3. Producing Output


1. Defining a layout/master page
2. Creating Custom View Engine
3. Defining and using partial views, Sections
4. Razor helper method syntax

State Management

1. Using hidden fields
2. Session and application state
3. Custom model bindings

Using the ASP.NET Web API

1. Overview of the ASP.NET Web API
2. Building servers and clients
3. Content negotiation
4. Validation
5. Queryable interfaces
6. Dependency Injection
7. Session Management
8. Securing a Web API


1. Basic Types
2. Variable Declarations
3. Classes
4. Functions
5. Interfaces
6. Generics
7. Enums
8. Type Inference
9. Namespaces
10. Modules
11. Mixins
12. Iterators and Generators
13. TypeScript 2.X Features

URL Routing

1.Introducing URL Patterns
2. Creating and Registering a Simple Route
3. Defining Default Values and using Static URL Segments
4. Constraining Routes
5. Bypassing the Routing System


1. Using Filters
2. Authorize Filters
3. Exception Filters
4. Action Filters
5. Result Filters
6. Using Built In Filters

Helper Methods

1. Using Built In Form Helper Methods
2. Creating Custom Helper Methods
3. Creating and using Templated Helper Methods
4. Using Model Metadata

Additional Techniques

1. View scaffold templates
2. Model Validation
3. Global filters
4. Model binding
5. Bundling and Display Modes

ASP.NET MVC 6.0 Features

1. Attribute Routing
2. Authentication Filters
3. Filter Overrides
4. One ASP.NET
5. ASP.NET Identity Authentication Management

Angular 6

1. Introduction to Angular 6
2. Angular 6 Architecture
3. Setup installation
4. Building Blocks of Angular6 Application
5. Modules
6. Components
7. Templates
9. Directives
10. Dependency Injection
11. Services
12. Validation of Angular Form

13. Single Page Application and Routing
14. Asynchronous Calls
15. Pipes
16. Security
17. Deployment and Project Configurations

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