PlayWright - Courses

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Playwright Automation course in Hyderabad

  1. Introduction to Playwright Features
  2. Install Node.js & Visual Studio for setting up Playwright Environment

Getting Started with Playwright Automation

  1. Create npm Project and install Playwright dependencies for testing
  2. Importance of Playwright Test Annotation and async await understanding
  3. What is browser context and Page fixtures in Playwright ? – Example
  4. Importance of Playwright configuration file and its details to run the tests
  5. Running Playwright tests in multiple browsers – chrome, Firefox
  1. Locators supported by playwright and how to type into elements on page
  2. Extracting the text from browser and inserting valid expect assertions in test
  3. How to work with locators which extract multiple webelements in page
  4. Understanding how wait mechanism works if list of elements are returned
  5. Techniques to wait dynamically for new page in Service based applications

Playwright Basic Methods for Web Automation

Handling UI Components(Dropdowns,RadioButtons, Child Windows)

  1. Handling static Select dropdown options with Playwright
  2. Selecting radio buttons, Checkboxes and implement expect assertions
  3. Using async await with Assertions and understand validating the attributes
  4. Handling Child windows & Tabs with Playwright by switching browser

Learn Playwright Inspectors,Trace Viewrs

  1. What is Playwright Inspector? And how to debug the playwright script
  2. Codegen tool to record & Playback with generated automation script
  3. Detailed view of Test Traces, HTML reports, logs & Screenshots for test results

Handling Web dialogs, Frames & Event Listeners

  1. Capture Screenshots with Playwright on page & partial Element level – Demo
  2. What is visual testing & How to perform it using Playwright

Perform Visual Testing With Playwright

  1. How to validate if element is hidden, displayed mode with Expect assertions
  2. How to automate Java/JavaScript Alert popups with Playwright
  3. How to handle & Automate frames with Playwright – Example

Project Configurations & Config Options

  1. various options in use property & setting up Project configurations
  2. View port Property on emulating browser to mobile devices with playwright
  3. Screenshots, Videos, Traces & SSL certification options setting in Config file

API Testing with Playwright and Build mix of Web & API Tests

  1. understanding the importance of API integration calls for Web tests
  2. Playwright request method to make API calls and grab response – Example
  3. Parsing API response & passing token to browser local storage with Playwright
  4. Place order API to create order and bypass the flow in UI with mix of web/API
  5. End to end validation with mix of API & Web concepts – Reduce test time
  6. Refactor API calls from utils folder and isolate from Web test logic

Page Object & Data Driven Paramtererization

  1. Capture Screenshots with Playwright on page & partial Element level – Demo
  2. What is visual testing & How to perform it using Playwright
  3. What is page object pattern & Importance of its implementation
  4. Creating Page objects and action methods for end to end Script – Part 1
  5. Creating Page objects and action methods for end to end Script – Part 2
  6. Assignment Solution – Converting Page object Model Project
  7. How to drive the data from external json files to playwright tests
  8. Implementing Parameterization in running tests with different data sets
  9. How to pass test data as fixture by extend test annotation behaviour

HTML & Allure Reporting

  1. How to generate HTML & Allure reporting for Playwright Framework tests
  2. How to create custom scripts to trigger the tests from package.json




  1. Variable definition & syntax
  2. Variable rules
  3. var, let and const
  4. Variable scoping

Data types

  1. Literals of each type
  2. typeof operator
  3. Data type – different forms
  4. Trythy, falsy and nullish values
  5. Data type conversion – inbuilt functions

Strict mode

Conditional Statements

  1. Conditional statement intro
  2. Use case 1: Just If
  3. Use case 2: If (NOT)
  4. Use case 3: If and else
  5. Use case 4: Nested if conditions
  6. Use case 5: if..else [Inner conditions]
  7. Use case 6: Use of if conditional in loops
  8. Switch case – syntax
  9. Switch case – demo


  1. Operators Intro and types
  2. Overall operators
  3. Assignment operator
  4. Arithmetic operator
  5. Comparison operator
  6. Logical AND (&&)
  7. Logical OR (||)
  8. Logical Not (!)
  9. Logical operator OR – default value
  10. Ternary operator


  1. Loops – Intro
  2. Standard for loop – simple use case
  3. Standard for loop with Array
  4. Standard for loop – use of break statement
  5. Loops – forEach
  6. Loops – while
  7. Loops – for…in and for…of

String manipulations

  1. String intro
  2. String – different forms
  3. Formatting string
  4. Comparing string
  5. Extract substring – slice method
  6. String replace and replaceAll
  7. Extract substring – split method
  8. Extract substring – indexOf method
  9. Use of backslash in string

Arrow functions

  1. Arrow function
  2. Arrow functions demo




  1. Function – intro
  2. Named function demo
  3. Annomyous function demo
  4. Function parameter
  5. Rest parameters and arguments object
  6. Return statement
  7. Self invoking function

Call back functions

  1. What is callback function – quick demo
  2. Callback function overview
  3. Understanding callback function – How it works?
  4. Return statement in callback functions

Functions – Realtime uscase

  1. Callback – Real time use case
  2. Promises – Real time use case
  3. Asyn/Await – Real time use case
  4. Function as object – How?


  1. Objects overview
  2. Objects creation – Different ways
  3. Properties
  4. Methods and use of this keyword
  5. Dynamic key and value
  6. Access Object’s member
  7. Object assignment
  8. Merging objects
  9. Iterate object properties and methods
  10. Use of JSON.stringify method
  11. Object Oriented Programming – Inheritance
  12. Use of constructor property to differentiate object types


  1. Classes – Intro
  2. Classes – syntax
  3. Page object model – context
  4. Create a simple class with two methods
  5. Class – inheritance
  6. Getter property
  7. Setting up variable and constructor


  1. Arrays – Intro
  2. Array creation – different ways
  3. Add elements
  4. length property – rules
  5. Different data structure
  6. Traverse and access elements
  7. Use of map method
  8. Use of filter method

Error handling

  1. Error Handling – intro
  2. Common error objects in JS
  3. throw statement demo
  4. .catch demo